Tuesday 3 July 2012

Tales From The Walled Garden - July

A taste of things to come,

Every day as I open the gate to the walled garden I am taken aback by just how much is happening despite the somewhat cool and very wet summer we have had. Strawberries are coming down to the kitchen by the bucket load, cucumbers swelling in the polytunnel and flowers blooming for the table.

We have had our share of ups and downs. Terrible wind caused many sunflowers to snap and left the whole garden looking bruised and sorry for itself. It soon recovered, new heads have grown on the sunflowers and the runner beans are at last beginning to run, albeit slowly. I’m sure like the rest of us they must be waiting for a bit of warmth, then there will be no stopping them.

Sometimes when things are not going as planned and nature seems to conspire against you, it’s easy to count your losses and feel disheartened. But in every situation there are winners and losers. It’s been a great season for lettuce, the chard looks good and beetroot is also a winner.

Looking forward, we took delivery of 12 goslings, which are grazing, safe and snug behind an electric fence, under the orchard canopy. When they arrived, on a cold rainy June day they seemed small and featherless. In a matter of a few short weeks of grazing on our lush grass they are turning into plump white geese.

Another new arrival is four beehives, situated outside the north wall of the garden. The bees have settled in rather well and I often watch them feeding on the nectar of our cut flowers, borage being a particular favourite.  No doubt their services will come in extremely handy when our autumn raspberries are in bloom. So far it looks tantalisingly close to summer!